
Certificate programme on Panchakarma and Keraleeya specialities (CPKS)

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Panchakarma presents a unique approach of Ayurveda with specially designed purvakarma (pre-treatment) and pancha shodhana (Five purificatory therapies). Though Panchakarma is a separate specialty in Ayurveda, it is closely associated and customized with all other specialties. Panchakarma should be perceived not merely as a shodhana therapy, but it has wider range of therapeutics like langhana, brimhana, rasayana etc. The therapies helps to eliminate the deeply seated metabolic toxin and revitalize the tissues, but it should be administered only after considering the ritu (season) and prakriti (body constitution) of the individual.

There has been a phenomenal increase in the demand for the specialized therapies of Ayurveda, particularly Panchakarma, not only for the treatment of the disease, but also for ever and promotive health care. Textual knowledge of Panchakarma based on syllabus based study is insufficient many a times in managing many conditions, and practical implementation of therapies requires expertise.

Kerala has made its own platform in the field of Panchakarma based on the immense contribution made by Ashtavaidyas and other traditional practitioners. This was well revised by various doyens and evolved as- “Keraleeya Panchakarma”. Now we are opening all those exclusive therapies before you for the expansion of the science. In a nutshell, a golden opportunity for you to acquire the right skills and knowledge at the right place from the right faculty in Ayurveda.


The program aims to achieve well expertise in the

  1. Standard operative procedures of popular Panchakarma
  2. Kerala Specialty Panchakarma practices
  3. Panchakarma oriented management perspectives in various branches of Ayurveda

Theoretical and hands-on master training offered by this course mold each aspirants of CPKS, in to a professional Panchakarma practitioner.

Program duration and structure:

6 days program with 30 credit hours.

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  • Comprehensive awareness about practices of Panchakarma
  • Compact theoretical descriptions of procedures
  • Live hands on training of all procedures
  • Exclusive sessions on Kerala specialty treatments
  • Updates on research works in Panchakarma
  • Overview on practice of Panchakarma in specialties of Ayurveda
  • Sharing of clinical experiences
  • Case discussion