Kerala has made its own platform in the field of Panchakarma based on the immense contribution made by Ashtavaidyas and other traditional practitioners. This was well revised by various doyens and evolved as- “Keraleeya Panchakarma”. Now we are opening all those exclusive therapies before you for the expansion of the science. In a nutshell, a golden opportunity for you to acquire the right skills and knowledge at the right place from the right faculty in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda, the oldest and most renowned traditional system of healing, originated in India over 5,000 years ago. It has evolved into a comprehensive health system that continually incorporates the latest advancements in the field, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in modern times.Often referred to as “The Science of Life,” Ayurveda offers a comprehensive range of natural and effective solutions in both preventive and therapeutic aspects, making it a widely accepted and healthier way of life.
Keep an eye out for the upcoming updates…
Dr. Nisha Sasidharan Nair in her own words, have recorded a video expressing her thoughts, experiences and suggestions regarding the courses she completed. We encourage you to watch this video to gain a firsthand understanding of her experience. We appreciate her time and effort in providing us with this feedback.
The course was an extensive one, which covered all the relevant topics necessary for a physician. The time schedule and the presentation was convenient for working professionals like me. And it is good that kase is helping me to be a better physician and infact helping my patients. I am looking forward to join more program’s like this. Thank you so much kase!!!
The overall perspective in concern with ayurvedic dietetics has changed.. A lot of new informations gathered regarding diet and nutrition.. The term like nutrigenomics are quite enlightening topics.. In a nut shell this worked as a wake up call as well as a new directive.Thank you KASE for the CNAD course
Sharing knowledge selflessly is not an easy thing. I would really like to say that the faculties have shared all their knowledge by aiming that the partipants should also become master in their career. Not just as a mentor, team KASE has planned these programmes in such a way that – It should mould a good, skilled ayurvedic practitioners, Ayurveda should also go with the trend and for the empowerment of AYURVEDA.
Ayurveda, the oldest and most renowned traditional system of healing, originated in India over 5,000 years ago. It has evolved into a comprehensive health system that continually incorporates the latest advancements in the field, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in modern times.Often referred to as “The Science of Life,” Ayurveda offers a comprehensive range of natural and effective solutions in both preventive and therapeutic aspects, making it a widely accepted and healthier way of life. Read more…
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